Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Washington DC

Zac and I had to move our spring break trip to December since I will not be able to travel then. We celebrated our 3 year anniversary 3 months early. This year we decided to go to our nation's capital. We had an incredible time! It was definitely hard on a 20 wk pregnant body, but worth it. We could not take pictures inside the Holocaust Memorial Museum or the National Archives.

Day 1: Flight to Washington DC, White House, World War II Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, Dinner at Cosi's

Day 2: Tour of the Capitol, Smithsonian Museum on Air and Space, Smithsonian Castle, Smithsonian Museum on Natural History, Washington Monument, Dinner at Old Ebbitt Grill
Senate in Session (flag):House not in Session (no flag):Hope Diamond:
Day 3: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Smithsonian Museum of American History, National Archives, Dinner at 5 Guys
Julia Child's Kitchen:Michelle Obama's Inaugural Gown:Hilary Clinton's (left) & Laura Bush's (right):
Day 4: George Washington's Estate at Mt. Vernon, Arlington National Cemetary, Dinner at Old Ebbitt Grill
Kennedy's Eternal Flame:Arlington House (former home of Robert E. Lee):Guard at Tomb of Unknown Soldier:View of Pentagon:
Day 5: Flight back to Dallas

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